
Smarty Pay Node SDK

Simple library for creating payments on backend side

npm i smartypay-node-sdk

See docs

import { SmartyPayAPI } from 'smartypay-node-sdk';

async function createPayment() {

// call API
const api = new SmartyPayAPI({
secretKey: 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
publicKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

const payment = await api.payments.createPayment({
amount: {
value: '1',
currency: 'bUSDT',
expiresAt: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60), // optional: after 1 hour from now
metadata: { orderId: 'YOUR_PURCHASE_ID' } // optional: any metadata

// result payment id
const paymentId =;

// additional params:
const params = new URLSearchParams();
// params.set('name', 'Item Name to Buy');
// params.set('success-url', 'https://...');
// params.set('fail-url', 'https://...');

// final url be like ""
const urlToRedirect = '' + paymentId + '?' + params.toString();
  • amount - Amount for a payment (value and currency token). See valid tokens here:
  • expiresAt - Optional: date before payment is active
  • metadata - Optional: key-value for any custom metadata (usually it's your own purchase id for success webhook)

Api common config:

See docs

import { SmartyPayAPI } from 'smartypay-node-sdk';

async function createRechargeAddress(customerId: string) {

// call API
const api = new SmartyPayAPI({
secretKey: 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
publicKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

const resp = await api.recharges.createRechargeAddress({
token: 'bUSDT',
customerId: customerId,

// recharge address for your customerId
const rechargeAddress = resp.address;

Api common config:

See docs

function isValidWebhook( resp: Respone){

// See:
const body: string = resp.body;
const signature: string = resp.heades['x-api-digest'];

return SmartyPayAPI.utils.isValidSignature(body, signature, 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY');

Checkout our TypeDocs

cd your_dir
git clone
npm install
npm run build